We built one of those custom shelf things on casters that lives under the stairs and holds kitchen stuff that is rarely used but can't be disposed of, like cookie sheets, the pizza pan, the mammoth turkey-sized roasting pan, and some other stuff.
We were so pleased with the kitchen solution that we applied the same remedy to storage in the laundry area on the second floor.
And so the fun continues.
Yesterday and today were devoted to paperwork and civil compliance: new drivers' licenses, medicare cards, vehicle inspections, and re-registration. While absolutely nothing anywhere near close to Sonja's ordeal with the authorities in Germany over Roland's Vespa and her Harley Davidson Sportster, it still consumed about as much time as you would expect, hanging around in government offices and inevitably dealing with arbitrary rules and inter-provincial nonsense yielding results no reasonably sane human would intentionally impose on fellow citizens.
Inter-provisional nonsense? I thought that Canada was in much better shape regarding such things.
Governments thrive on red tape and they live to make things complicated
Watch out, David. Spare rooms can be a dangerous places. Usually things go there to hide for years. Sometimes they will only be found when moving again ;-)
I found registration in Alberta the easiest. Everything from SIN to drivers license to Wifi was done in a week's time. Moving to BC was a bit different (and more costly, e.g. insurance) but still straight forward compared to German standards. I miss Canadian Public Services ;-)
I am glad you have found some creative storage solutions. That is what it takes when living somewhere smaller.
We went from 1283 sq ft (3 bed 2 bath) down to 912 sq ft (2 bed 1 bath) about 10 years ago. We too had to get creative. And now 912 sq ft seems too big.
Ah the joys of downsizing and trying to find room for all the 'stuff' you really, really (really!) needed to keep. My solution was to build a 526 sq. ft. garage with an attic, but I don't think you have that option. )
"Oh I know it doesn't seem to make sense ma'am, but I have checked with a senior subject matter expert and unfortunately we absolutely do require a government certified copy of your marriage certificate before we can issue you a driver's license, since the name on your passport doesn't match the name on your Quebec driver's license"
"Yes I know, because in Quebec they add the maiden name on the license on a separate line."
"I know, I'm so sorry..."
Dar it's because they consistently fail to think things through nearly enough when they write the rules, and the minions have no authority to do anything but apply inflexible rules that sometimes lead to very silly results. Common sense is so valuable because it so damned uncommon.
I think I'd be addicted to Valium if I had to deal with German bureaucrats.
Then again, you can always step outside, wander over to the nearby beer garden, and soak in the sights of Bavaria while you wait. That should be worth at least a small handful of Valium.
Sonja, when you come to visit you will be impressed. Everything will be the very soul of German practicality and organization. Not mystery boxes in sight, nothing but blissful serenity.
Now we just have to drive ourselves crazy in the coming weeks to make it so :)
I truly admire the two of you for living in under one thousand square feet.
I'm afraid that Susan and I have double that and we are having to exercise some ingenuity to get everything right.
'You don't own your stuff, your stuff owns you' is an expression that has been around for a long time. I have no idea who coined it, but it is more than a little true.
Anyone who wants to take their life back could do worse than by listening to what the late George Carlin had to say about stuff. It's really a must for anyone considering whether they might just have too much stuff. Click here to get there.
We don't have a shed or a separate 20' X 20' garage, but we do have a locker that is about a 7' cube... not so bad.
Now I do need to down there and get it sorted out by building the Ikea shelving back up and discarding all but the stuff that really, really needs to be down there.
I think Susan said something about having a tire place store her mammoth run-flat snow tires. Now that is a great idea.
@David Blackburn "My solution was to build a 526 sq. ft. garage with an attic"
A friend of mine built an 800 sq ft garage with attic ... 30 years ago.
They sold the house last August, closed the deal in February, and he's almost finished clearing it out. I think there were 2 trucks, a car (or 2), and 3 motorcycles in there ... mostly hidden under his "collection".
I have the 3(+1) motorcycles in my spot (R60 with Watsonian sidecar, R60 solo, R69S disassembled, and Hoddaka Wombat) parked beside my K75S. There's still room for the 2 Puchs. I'm not sure what he'll do with the 2 Zündapps ...
Hi David - I just came on to check your blog because I have been wondering why I haven't seen you on my morning scoot commute through LaSalle/Lachine/Dorval - me heading towards Dorval on a blue LX, and you towards downtown. I thought perhaps it was because I was the only one crazy enough to scoot in the ridiculously low non-seasonal temperatures we have been experiencing but now I see it is because you have moved to 'more southern' climes (maybe that means that I am the only one crazy enough after all :-). I hope you and your wife enjoy being nearer your children. I will miss your wave - it certainly isn't as common in Montreal as it is for people on two wheels back home in Nova Scotia, and it always made me smile.
Amanda it's wonderful knowing that my commuter's wave struck a chord in a fellow moto commuter.
I still have a bike in Montreal I need to retrieve. Click here and send me an e-mail. I'd love to buy you a coffee if that could work.
Er, so where did you move to? Forgive me, I've been off the blogs for awhile.
We moved to Toronto. Sorry Deb, I just saw your comment this morning, it was stuck in moderation fot reasons known only to Google.
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