Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A fairytale come true

This video tells the story of a second grandchild on the way, ETA mid July.

I have been told that this little production has caused tears to flow by some members of our family. To me as the producer, that's right up there with an Academy Award.

I hope you enjoy viewing this as much a I did making it.

The musical selections for this episode are Tragic Story by Myuu, A long cold by Riot, and Hush little baby by the Green Orbs, and all are courtesy of the excellent Youtube Audio Library.


Steve Williams said...

These kinds of video production grow stronger and stronger over time. It's great that you made it. Has life now and will have more when your granddaughter is old enough to appreciate the love the family had for her yet to come arrival.

David Masse said...

I know, making that video felt like a trip in a time-machine. Simply amazing.

Dar said...

Congratulations! Your video made me teary, what a wonderful way to find out!

David Masse said...

Thanks Dar!

The copyright in all text and photographs, except as noted, belongs to David Masse.