New bike so I can run with the big dogs - Check!
Tool roll, compressor, tire plugging kit, flash light, first aid kit, 100' of paracord - Check!
Saddle bags, dry bags, and ROK straps - Check!
Camping gear (tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, pillow, camp stove, lounge chair) - Check!
Five liter auxiliary fuel container, and 32 ounce stove fuel container - Check!
Sena bike-to-bike intercom - Check!
GoPro, digital SLR, iPhone, and GPS - Check!
Road test at 130 km/h to make sure nothing rattles or shakes loose - Check!
all it needs is a rider so your rig doesn't tip backwards
Riding the Wet Coast
I was going to ask, where fits the rider?
David, I am so excited for you. I hope you guys will have a blast and please post plenty about it. I wish I could be with.
PS: Since you have packed all those goodies I could have travelled extremely light on my Vespa ;-)
I would have likely packed a list of Vespa shops and a motel list just in case.
That's what I was thinking Sonja. Hotel reservations - Check!
Bob, the gear is bulky but not overly heavy, so it looks worse than it is. Wind resistance is probably the factor that will affect performance before weight.
The bike actually feels pretty good all loaded up.
Sonja, the gear on the passenger seat doesn't extend onto the rider's seat. So much so that I don't even feel it's presence, it isn't touching me when I'm riding.
I haven't camped since my teens and I have gotten quite used to the five star hotel circuit. But that is what makes this such an adventure.
Good idea to have a list of Vespa dealers though.
If camping gets too rough, and there is a motel alternative, so be it :)
Rob, it won't be that bad really. Camping in Florida would be different: heat, gators and those giant boa constrictors that are taking over the Everglades. Yuck, Yuck, and Yuck.
An impressive list to be sure but I think you missed the 3 most important items - credit card, backup credit card, CAA membership. Seriously though, it looks like you're ready to roll. When do we get the itinerary (or did I miss it already)?
Good comment Dave.
For myself, it's starting to look like this: stops in Ottawa, Cornwall, maybe Kingston, and Toronto where I'll stay put for a day or so.
Then State College PA to rendez-vous with Karen and Bob. Then meandering to Portland ME.
Bob and Karen will then head towards the Maritimes, while I head northwest back to Montreal, since I have to get back to my day job.
As for roadside assistance, I dropped by CAA and had a chat with them. Initially they weren't very knowledgeable or reassuring for moto coverage.
I need to chart Vespa dealers along the way and check worst case mileage in order to figure out the most reasonable coverage.
When I finally hit the road, I so know that I'll be playing the Stones Beast of burden on the Sena.
That is quite the load. Looking good. Glad you've road tested it and are race ready.
Trobairitz, I still have some sewing to do to add strapping to the right side saddlebag, and the bike is booked for full service on the 9th, which gives me just enough time to wear in the new tire a tad.
Also it turns out that the MSR bottle I bought is good for all fuels EXCEPT methyl hydrate, so that's a do-over that will get fixed in the next hour or so.
My list of 'stuff' keeps getting longer. Almost forgot my bathing suit - Check!
Sounds like you're good to go. Hope it's a good trip....either way, we want to hear about it!
You're a brave man, for camping. Haven't officially given up tent camping, but my family isn't enthusiastic, and I think life is fine without it. On the plus side, I think I just wasn't tired enough the first two nights. I suspect after riding a couple hundred miles you should sleep like a baby. I'm anxious to find out :o)
David, is that the gas container on the floor board? Will you have to ride with it between your feet?
Is it destabilising to have all that strapped to your scooter? I know I'm still very green (chartreuse!) but it's hard to imagine turning a sharp corner with all that gear. Wait - on second thought, it's just hard to imagine turning a sharp corner! ;-)
Have a wonderful trip!
Your gear looks good David, and I envy you for the trip your about to make.
I would like to a long trip on my Vespa as well but my wife is to afraid that something might happen to me so it's not even a thing to talk about.
Ooh one tip for your list:
Chargers for all your electronic kit, and maybe get a 12volt charging option, you can keep all things juice while driving.
Have a nice trip and keep the shiny side up..
Dave, I'm anxious to find out too.
As long as I don't throw my back out, I'll be fine.
Danielle, yes that's a five liter Canadian Tire gas can.
It's sitting on a Classic Racks footrack and all nice and secured by ROK straps.
It doesn't get in the way at all, You'd hardly know it was there.
The gear is not really that heavy, and doesn't really affect handling.
Thanks Bommes for the good wishes.
While I ride, my wife and kids are off to Florida to visit the outlaws.
As for charging stuff, you can't see in the photo but there are two 12V outlets on the left kneepad, and I'll be adding two more on a long extension direct off the battery so that I can charge stuff during the night, or in the pet carrier during the day.
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