Most times, things just bumble along all OK-like.
And then there are the rare moments when things go really sidewise, or they come out unaccountably well.
Never in a million years did I imagine I would own a limited edition Modern Vespa patch.
Then that whole Limited Edition MV Patches for BitCoin thing cropped up and there was a narrow opportunity to get my hands on one. The so-called Italia patch screamed "Buy MEEEE!!".
And, against all odds, I did!
Alas, the seller has since gone incommunicado, inexplicably, and has yet to deliver. How disappointing and frustrating. I feel like the odd-man-out kid in the school yard who gets picked to play... and then the missing cool kid shows up and it's all "... Nah, don't bother, we're fine now..."
I'm sure my BitCoin Italia patch will eventually show up, as soon as the seller decides to take an interest in completing the transaction. I truly do believe he's good for it and that he will deliver. He just lost interest in the MV scene, momentarily, since March, after posting more than nine times a day since he founded the forum. The truth is, I hope nothing is really wrong. Like a health crisis. Those who know him say not to worry. So I'm trying not to worry.
And then the law of averages kicks in, and someone with real class strides your way. Someone like Tom Jaszewski. And lo and behold, it's not just the Italia patch that might come your way, but the entire MV collection, the whole shooting match, every single year-patch ever made, and every single limited edition. The only catch is that it's a silent auction.
Never for a moment suspecting I could table a winning bid, I bid anyway.
Whadda ya know? Hot-damn! I'll be hornswaggled!! I WON!
I never win anything. Except a Peter Rabbit book when I was four (though technically my mother won since she entered my name in a contest on a popular kids' radio show). That was in the time few of us remember before all broadcast entertainment moved to television. A long, long, long time ago. More than half a century ago. Man, I'm
And then last month I bought a lottery ticket so Susan and I could fantasize about spending 48 million dollars on loved ones, dear friends and colleagues... and I won... $127.90. Still, a win, is a win, is a win. And $127.90 will go a fair way to a romantic dinner in Venice next month.
It's starting to look like I might be on a roll.
Look at the bounty that came in the mail yesterday. Just look at it. Look at that coveted Italia patch! And it's here in time to be sewn on my jacket for the Tuscan Loop. Oh joy!
All to say that beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I really feel blessed. So I don't have to apologize over much for being blown away by a bunch of patches that came in the mail. Snail-mail. From Minnesota. Wow.