Susan and I have a lot invested in our Montreal home, and I don't mean money.
When we were last thinking of moving it was because Susan really wanted a larger family room. That, and she had her eye on this part of Beaconsfield south for years. I would have been quite content to stay in our old house.
I agreed to move, but on one condition.
It had taken us the better part of fourteen years to get our old house to just where we liked it. I insisted that if we were to move, all the renovations and other work needed to be done to make the new home just as comfortable would have to be tackled and finished within one year. Susan agreed, so we bought this house.
To say that we made it our own is a little bit of an understatement. At one point I remember standing on the ground floor and estimating that we had removed two-thirds of the drywall. What a mess. Fortunately it didn't matter because we got the house in February and didn't move in until May when the work was basically all done. The ground floor was completely reconfigured, new kitchen, new powder room, totally renovated family room, living room and dining room. Wow.
All that work proved itself to be so worthwhile. We got a really nice family home where we have had countless wonderful times.
And now it is ending, as all things must. The living room is now a sales room.
We are headed off to the western horizon, a new city, another home, new challenges, new memories to make.
Saturday and Sunday we're having what we're calling a moving sale. We're hoping to be rid of most of the stuff that no longer fits the plan, including many of the things you see here. The signs are ready to be posted on the front lawn and on the main streets leading here.
It's so right for us, and so bittersweet.
The difference between a house and a home is the blood, sweat, and tears that went into making it just so. But life moves on and before long you'll feel the same way about your new Toronto home.
I don't envy you. I hate the last this the last that and rolling up the carpet on a former life. The fresh start will be exciting once it begoins.
I would say that I will miss you but lately I think I am in Toronto more than Montreal and I sincerely hope to have a good (correct that) GREAT ride with you this summer. Perhaps we can meet in Peterborough and head North from there to ride around some of the beautiful lakes.
That is absolutely the only way to tackle something like this. If the amount of energy invested correlates to happiness and satisfaction in any way, this is going to be wonderful sooner than we think.
Michael these life changes are all the same. There's a wall. You approach it with resolve, and, like a cartoon hero, you blast through it to stroll on the greener pasture that beckons.
Nothing would please me more Peter. If we plan it, it will happen.
There is no there way to say it (polite way anyway) moving sucks. It doesn't matter how excited one if for the new town/house, etc, the actual process of moving sucks.
It sounds as though you have quite a handle on what you want to take and what you want to get rid of. And then you ponder...... how did we accumulate all this stuff?
Letting things go makes more room for new things and ideas. Good luck with the moving sale, David.
I've moved five times as an adult and the same two lessons always presented themselves to me:
1. The physical act of moving is horrible.
2. The outcome is always better.
I hope you and Susan mitigate the effects of the first and find the joys of the second quickly. Good luck with the adventure.
I hate moving, moving sales, garage sales. any and all things related to moving....
Good luck trimming down...
Day 1 of our moving sale and we are essentially sold out. Amazing! We sold stuff I would never in a million years would be saleable.
My new resolve is not to collect anything, except art, and motorbikes.
Your wish was granted! We sold almost everything and a ton of other stuff too. Quick! Wish for something else, you're on a roll!
Thanks for the kind thoughts Steve. Susan and I are ever closer to moving and our spirits are lifting with each passing day.
Ed, less is more, less is more.
Your wishes worked like magic.
Hello David,
If it's the right time mate then it won't be hard to let go:)
We have heard friends missing their old home but we walk past our last home most days and think nothing of it
Moving is a great way of getting rid of stuff you no longer need.
All the best
Len vespa gts300
Len I believe you are right. The only difference is with the new home 500 kilometers away from the old home, we won't be wandering by very often.
I know the feeling. Bittersweet nails it, but is a bit of an understatement, too. Kudos to you both for having the strength to let it go and the foresight to know ever better adventures and lots more wonderful memories-in-the-making could very well lie ahead. Life is an adventure in more ways than one. Cheers to you both!
Thanks Kathy for the kind words.
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