Thursday, January 19, 2012

Here at last!

Hot Grips™, that is!

Now the fun can begin.

With a big thank you to the team at Hot Grips™ and the nice folks at who thoughtfully enclosed a couple of treats to sweeten the experience.  One for each heated grip.


Trobairitz said...


You will wonder how you ever did without them.

Keith - Circle Blue said...

I'm certainly loving mine. Still no problems and I've been running them everyday.

Gary France said...

For which bike?

David Masse said...

Trobairitz, Keith, with a little luck I'm starting the installation tomorrow. I'll be posting a detailed project report. This is my most ambitious and complicated modification yet, and I think it could easily be a multi-weekend affair.

Gary, the grips are going on my Vespa. The electricity budget is a little snug, but I went for the heat-troller and I think it will be fine. Keith has the same grips on his Symba , also a 150cc bike, and he isn't having any issues even without the heat-troller.

The copyright in all text and photographs, except as noted, belongs to David Masse.