Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another milestone looms

It's late October.

Susan and I got a reprieve from fall weather last weekend: Thursday through Sunday in the Big Apple.  Compared to Montreal it was balmy.  70F on a few occasions.

I did a semi-unscientific survey while we were there.

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Vespas as a percentage of all PTWs in NYC:   a significant majority, maybe two thirds
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Times we spotted Jerry Seinfeld having breakfast at the Brooklyn Diner on West 57th: one
%  %  %  %  %  %  %  %  %  %

Meanwhile, back in Montreal, the scoot commute continues, but the season's end is definitely counted in days, not weeks.  Though time is running out, the miles on the odometer roll along, and that means another milestone looms:


Dar said...

Scooter milestones are awesome! It is sad to see the scooter season come to an end.

I am waiting with great anticipation to see what the winter moto commute season is going to bring. I have already experienced several bouts of torrential rain and am not liking it very much at all.

SonjaM said...

Whoa! That went by fast. 15k. Good stuff. And I guess your little scoot is running smoothly and effortlessly like a VW Beetle. It runs, and runs, and runs...

Unknown said...


Good stuff. You sure put on a lot of URBAN miles. How come your skoot isn't in KMs ? then you would be up to 24K, instead of only 15K

congrats on achieving this milestone, well . . . nearly. Just a few more clicks to go

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Unknown said...


check your spam filter

and thank you for your gratious comment. I wanted to do something different and that's what I ended up with

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Keith - Circle Blue said...

Yeah, milestones are so much fun.

Who can say what the weather is going to be like anymore.

You saw Jerry Seinfeld? Was he doing nothing while he was having his breakfast?

Enjoy the ride while you can.

Trobairitz said...

Won't be long now until that odometer rolls over that milestone and you'll be heading towards the next. Way to go.

Unknown said...


WHOA, Wait a minute . . .

Here's a milestone challenge for you.

When's the last time you took 5 days vacation with Susan and left your work at the office ?

NO computer, NO phone, NOTHING except relaxation and NO plans to do anything

That's the Milestone I want to see you Blog about. (I know, I know . . . we've had this conversation before)

wishing you only the best

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

Unknown said...


check your spam filter again.

thank you
Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

David Masse said...

I'll respond to you all shortly, but first, Bob, what the heck are you doing rummaging around in the spam filter? Had to haul you out of there twice already?!?!

Unknown said...


I have been visiting the Spam filters of others too. I don't know why but I must tell you that it's lonely down there and could you please turn on the heat

Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube

David Masse said...

Dar,having come off my bike in the rain, I have to say that riding in the rain has lost much of its allure.

Sonja, you are right about the Vespa, what a great machine. I was in the shop looking around and drooling on bikes. I sat on a Majesty, a TMax and a BV300, and the only one that was as comfortable as my little LX150 was the TMax. The BV was downright uncomfortable. Next spring I think that there may be a GTS 300 in the offing.

Bob, I got my bike from a used car dealer in Toronto who specializes in all things Italian and he imported it from Boston, hence the miles and not clicks. I have Googled and don't see any obvious way of creating an exception list for the spam filter. You may be getting an alternate fix that will help with this blog, if not with any other. You're right about the whole vacation thing. So far, including L.A., Whistler and NYC, I've taken 9 days out of my 25 in 2012, not a great record. That's why I don't encourage people to study law. It's easier to take up salt mining.

Keith, you know, I was in a cab, and he was in the diner sitting in a booth by the window. He was obviously telling a tall funny tale and using his hands for emphasis. At one point he shifted his head towards the window and in that spit-second you just knew it was him. My one regret is that I didn't notice who he was having breakfast with. Imagine if it was Jason Alexander, or Julia Louis-Dryfus, or Michael Richards, or Larry David. How cool would that have been?

Trobairitz, any clue what I do to keep Bob out the cellar? He was along for that whole Oregon trip, any insight you can spare? It was his first camping experience, after all. Any chance he took along a whole load of Spam? Of course you'd be the last person he would have confided that in, seeing as you're a vegan and all.

Google, do you think that there is a chance that you could muster all your considerable brain power to come up with a better Turing test, one that humans would be better at? I'm afraid that if you ramp up the current test one more notch, I'll have to outsource my blog commenting to a robot.

The copyright in all text and photographs, except as noted, belongs to David Masse.