Lake St-Louis isn't the coast, it's the lakeshore. Yet, when I take the slow route to the office the view is still coastal.
Sharing it means taking a moment to stop, strolling a few feet to the shore and snapping a picture.
This particular view shows the point that's home to the
Forest and Stream Club.
If you have eagle-eyes you'll spot a plane making its final approach to Trudeau airport.

My new bike is like a Siren enticing me to take the fast path where it can stretch its legs and zoom along. It's easy to neglect the benefits of coasting.
There is something to be said for just slowing down at times isn't there my friend.
At least with the new Vespa you have options. Do you take the slow and coastal road or do you zoom from point A to B in a hurry? You can go where your mood takes you.
Rob, we're heading into summer here, at long last.
Now's the time for going slower if ever there was one. It's necessary to re-charge the batteries that I'll be depleting later on.
Brandy, it's amazing how comfortable I am with the bigger bike.
I remember when I was first looking for a Vespa. I was only thinking of a 50cc small frame.
Taking the dealer's advice and getting the larger displacement 150cc seemed daring to me at the time.
Looking at the top of the line large frame 250cc GTS's was frankly intimidating.
Now it all just fits.
I'm just not one of those people who are comfortable leaping straight into the deep end of a new pool.
Eventually I get there, but I start by wading in by the stairs.
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