Wednesday, January 10, 2018
New Year, HUGE challenge
I remember the year, not that long ago, when I posted over 100 times.
Last year I became convinced that the future was video and I tied a vlog to my blog and the posting frequency plummeted.
It's sad in a way, because you get into the habit of posting, and you have an audience of loyal readers, and in some way you drift away from that mode of expression, the constant give and take, and it hurts.
The irony is that the time commitment to social media ramps up considerably when you shift from blogging to vlogging.
There's a natural equation or algorithm at play here. The busier I get, the less presence I have here. That troubles me, but, what can you do?
You gotta do what you gotta do!
This year dawns with a mountain in plain view that I must climb. Like a friend who leaves to climb Everest, it means that there is going to be absence in your life, as my life gets really, really interesting.
It's all explained in the video, so have a look.
I really do feel that I am letting you down by not posting more blog posts or vlog episodes, so I may decide to shift gears and come back here to let you know that all is well and give you an idea of my progress.
Once thing is certain: I am more committed than ever to my Life on two wheels so, when I return from that mountaintop, I will return here.
Happy new year to all!
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The copyright in all text and photographs, except as noted, belongs to David Masse.
busy busy busy
good luck with your studies. what's the difference between solicitor and barrister....thought they meant same thing.
Happy New Year Dom, and thanks for the encouragement, it's truly appreciated.
In the UK, only barristers appear before the courts, and solicitors do all the rest, particularly meeting with clients, doing contracts, real estate conveyancing, estates, etc., etc. Barristers get their assignments from solicitors.
In Canada, all members of the Bar are both barristers and solicitors. There are two mandatory exams I need to write to become licensed in Ontario: the Barrister exam, and the Solicitor exam. In each case an open-book 7 hour ordeal.
I need all the encouragement and good wishes I can get.
Enjoy your 11-12 hours per day of studying. A pretty daunting task which, like everything else you choose to challenge yourself with, will be done well. Now the unanswered question is why?
Why... here goes:
I am licensed to practice law in Quebec. For the longest time, lawyers were content to qualify and practice in one jurisdiction all their lives. Eventually, along with globalization and a shrinking world, there has been a move towards jurisdictional mobility.
Over the last 10 years or so, the provincial Bars negotiated a national mobility agreement: if licensed in one province, you can practice in any province.
The fly in the ointment is Quebec. That's because Quebec (like Lousiana, and Scotland) is a Civil Law, not a Common Law jurisdiction. Historically the distinction was more meaningful than it is today, since much of the Common has been codified, both in Canada and in the U.S. Plus, in Canada, federal law (including criminal law, banking and other key subject areas) are common to all provinces.
All of which to say, that the national mobility agreement now includes Quebec. BUT... the agreement needs to come into effect by way of a Quebec Bar By-Law. The By-Law was adopted, but needs a gov't red stamp of approval to take effect.
Well... a few years back a kerfuffle erupted over the appointment of a Supreme Court judge to represent Quebec in a situation where some felt that that the Federal judge in question was only very nominally Quebec-related.
Among the hostages in the ensuing constitutional spat is the approval of the mobility by-law.
In the meantime I have a provisional Ontario license that allows me to undertake 10 matters per year. That restriction is a pain for all concerned.
So to simplify my life longer term, I decided to sit for the Ontario exams.
My fear is that within weeks of overcoming that ordeal, the Quebec Government will finally stamp that by-law, and all this work will have been for nought.
Thank you for the explanation. Sounds like a contest that no one can win… But, wouldn’t ten per year be adequate for someone who is supposed to be retired?
As soon as you said -4C was "bitterly cold" I knew you had become a certified Torontonian. :)
Speaking of certified, good luck with the studying and the exams. Although I must agree with Richard's comment - I thought you had retired.
Kudos to you for staying occupied, David, and best wishes for 2018. Good to hear that you are not quite ready for retirement, you seem to miss your job. It never hurts to keep the mind busy, although personally I'd rather chose a different kind of activity (probably more outdoor and travel related) over more work and study ;-).
Funny how everyone that I know that has retired seems to be busier now more than ever. Congrats on the book and good luck passing the bar.
Well David, there is 'retired' and there is 'retired'.
I discovered I still have the inclination to apply my skills to solve problems and that I don't mind climbing mountains.
I thought so too, but the goal is to make some money we can use to travel and have fun without concern.
Thanks Brandy.
It is weird that there hasn't been a moment that I was at a loss as to what I had to do next.
As mentioned above, all of my retired friends are on the edge of tooo busy. I'm confident you'll get your balance.
It's, it's microscopic...but I'm choosing to be that minutely connected to your studying process. Peg works for Thomson-Reuters. The Thomson part (formerly West Publishing in MN), all those law books we 'see' in every attorney's office. Reuters, the Canadian corporation my connection to Toronto.
Good luck David; we'll see ya when we see ya!! :)
Ha, eagle-eyes! The four weightiest and most impressive volumes are indeed Thomson-Reuters-Carswell tomes. Thank Peg for me. Nice work.
And yes, they are headquartered here, and have grown very big.
Thanks for the wishes Doug, they're much appreciated.
I wondered where you went. At this time of year a lot of moto-bloggers hang it up. But I see you have a far more serious distraction at work. Wish you the best in your self education process and eventual exams.
Watching the video -- the guys hauling the records boxes -- the way they were looking at you filming them I thought they might pay you a visit. Now that might have turned into a viral video!
Take care, stay warm and get smart!
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