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Interview Date: Saturday, July 13, 2013
Interview Location: Kettleman's Bagels, Bank street, Ottawa, Ontario
Scootcommute: When did you start riding, how old were you?
Dave: 1966. I was 17 and my best friend had a Honda Dream, I think it was, that he would let me ride on occasion. I didn't get my own bike until 1971 (I think).
Scootcommute: How many motorbikes have you owned?
Dave: I can remember 16 but I think I'm missing some.
Scootcommute: What is your current bike, and is the current bike your favorite?
Dave: 2007 H-D Dyna Low-Rider. Yes. But then that's usually the case.
Scootcommute: Talk to me about the most challenging riding skill you learned.
Dave: Not so much learned as developed - that sixth sense that's saved my skin more than once. Comes from a combination of training and experience - both good and bad experience.
Scootcommute: Are you a moto-commuter, a tourer, or a fair weather rider?
Dave: Mostly fair weather rider but not averse to getting caught in the rain on occasion. Hate riding in the cold though.
Scootcommute: Are you a solitary rider? How about riding in a group?
Dave: Prefer solitary or with one or two riders I know well. Exception is when I'm part of a very large group (100 or more) - that's pretty cool.
Scootcommute: I dare you to share an awkward or embarassing riding moment.
Dave: Perhaps I've blocked them all out as a defense mechanism, but aside from a couple of low-speed drops on sandy parking lots I really can't think of any.
Scootcommute: What is the best place your bike has taken you?
Dave: There have been a few. The most awe-inspiring was approaching the Rockies north of Edmonton on the Yellowhead Highway for the first time. The most interesting was riding in the badlands in South Dakota around Sturgis.
Scootcommute: Tell me why you ride.
Dave: The most basic of reasons - I like it. I like the smells of riding, the idea of being out there immersed in the elements (good and bad), the 360-degree panorama. The sense one sometimes gets of flying at ground level. The feeling of getting off and stretching after a long time in the saddle - and then getting back on again. It's all part of the package.
Scootcommute: If I could grant you one riding wish, what would it be?
Dave: I'd love to ride New Zealand, tip to tip.
Ooooh I think we'd all like to ride New Zealand.
Nice to learn a little insight and have you bare your moto soul to another David. Such a good sport.
Trobairitz, I ran into many good sports, and yes, David is certainly one. May your paths cross, if they haven't already.
David, in September of 2015 I got to travel the highway from Edmonton to Jasper. My 'roaming' header picture was taken by the side of the road. Simply stunning. I can only imagine what it would be like to ride through there.
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