Friday, August 9, 2013

Rider Profile: Mike Torrusio

Name: Mike Torrusio
Find me on Earth: Portland, Maine, USA
Find me Online:
Interview Date: Saturday, July 20, 2013
Interview Location: Portland, Maine, USA

Scootcommute: When did you start riding, how old were you?

Mike: Just about four and one half years ago. Mid 70's

Scootcommute: How many motorbikes have you owned?

Mike: 4

Scootcommute: What is your current bike, and is the current bike your favorite?

Mike: It's a Piaggio BV 250. Absolutely. Does everything one could want.

Scootcommute: Talk to me about the most challenging riding skill you learned.

Mike: Doing U-turns on a narrow street with a passenger on bord.  Not sure I've mastered it, but I manage to pull it off.

Scootcommute: Are you a moto-commuter, a tourer, or a fair weather rider?

Mike: It's my only mode of transportation. Have you seen my Youtube video of riding in the snow?

Scootcommute: Are you a solitary rider? How about riding in a group?

Mike: I do much riding alone. I Prefer one, or two others. If in a group I always make sure I'm last.

Scootcommute: I dare you to share an awkward or embarassing riding moment.

Mike: Impossible. Every ride produces an awkward moment. However, the evening my two friends and I stopped for a dinner, and I dismounted, kickstand down, and while removing my helmet, my friends standing next to me, my machine s-l-o-w-l-y tipped over into me and the two of us s-l-o-w-l-y settled to the pavement. Great fun. None of us can yet figure out what and how it happened.

Scootcommute: What is the best place your bike has taken you?

Mike: In Maine? There is NO bad place. Within 10 minutes you're surrounded with beauty - or at the least an interesting sight.

Scootcommute: Tell me why you ride.

Mike: Beats the hell out of me. Best I can do is that two minutes into any ride a sense of contentment, joy and excitement settle into my being and stays there for the ride and quite a while afterwards.

Scootcommute: If I could grant you one riding wish, what would it be?

Mike: That I get at least 10 more riding years. There's miles to go and promises to keep.



Deb said...

Hi Mike! You are one cool cat and I KNOW you'll be riding for at least another 20 years!

Nice to hear from you!

Steve Williams said...

Here's to Mike and hopes his riding wish comes true!

Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks

Trobairitz said...

Mike!! I didn't know you'd been riding for less that 5 years. Here to that 10 more you are wishing for.

Deb said...

Mike, you are a true inspiration to all of us!

The copyright in all text and photographs, except as noted, belongs to David Masse.