Parting is indeed sweet sorrow.
My very close friend Marc is a guy who just gets stuff done. He said he could sell my Vespa LX 150 in the space of a morning if I would just let him do it his way.
I should have known better, but I can be stubborn. I had ads on Kijiji, and Lespac, and Craigslist, and I got the odd feeler, but no sale. With the summer in its August phase, the prime sales time is long gone.
Marc just took matters into his own hands, and bullied me into submission. He insisted that I e-mail him a description of the scooter. Fine, I sent him the Kijiji ad. Then he ordered me to park the scooter at the end of a neighbor's driveway. Reluctantly, I did. I was certain it would be stolen long before it was sold.
An hour and a half later, Marc rings my doorbell with a gentleman in tow. "Here's the guy who is going to buy your Vespa!". And sure enough, he was right.
I owe Marc a really decent treat for making the sale happen, in spite of my pig-headed reluctance.
Sometimes things are better left to a specialist, eh? Marc did a good job.
Goodbye little red one.
Good-bye little scoot.
Good thing your friend badgered you into submission. Sounds like you owe him a drink or two, or at least breakfast.
You ! stubborn and pig headed ? I never knew . . .
good for Marc
Riding the Wet Coast
So what is the secret to selling a scooter in a single morning? Or is that Marc's business?
But that means there is free space in the garage ... hum, I wonder what might fit into the hole?
Whatever his secret it sure worked. And about that free space in the garage....
Sonja, I tend to overthink and try to be too independent. Marc is much more "do" and is an expert in collaboration. That makes him more effective, but increases risk. I'm more risk averse (occupational hazard).
Trobairitz, I'm thinking breakfast, plus a decent bottle of wine, maybe single malt Scotch.
Bob, you've got me feeling like Sheldon of Big Bang Theory fame... was that sarcasm?
The secret is that the driveway in question is ideally situated on the main street. The main street, though 100% residential, is one of the most scenic drives on the island and therefore attracts lots of people riding or driving their toys (bikes, sports cars, antique cars, etc., etc.). I call it the weekend parade. The quick sale is a function of the volume of passersby, and their disproportionate interest in toys.
Karen, more room for visitors' bikes. As I recall little red made it difficult for Bob to squeeze by.
Dave, I no longer (as of last night) have a collection. In fact increasingly, I find myself wanting to downsize or 'uncollect'.
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