I can't begin to express what a pleasant surprise that is.
I'd like to thank Anuj Agarwal and the gang at FeedSpot.com in San Francisco for their work in gathering and analyzing the data and getting the word out to the sites who earned the recognition. It is very much appreciated.
A lot of effort has gone into this journal, as any blogger can attest. I can't believe that it will soon be seven years since I started sharing my life on two wheels here. Those of you who want to travel back in time to see what that looked like, and how it has evolved since that day in March 2010 in a hotel room in Calgary, Alberta, when I clicked to publish the very first post, are invited to click here to enter this journal's time warp.
Lately the pace of posts has slowed to a crawl. I blame (i) the vlog, and (ii) my son's nascent business venture, for chewing up too much of my blogging time.
In future I hope to find a balance between good old-fashioned prose bytes, and new-fangled video bytes... and now I'm thinking that this whole top 100 thing deserves its own vlog episode...
Thanks for reading, and thanks for following the vlog. Episode 5 should hit YouTube this afternoon.
It must be real because I got a similar confirmation later in the month from 10Selects.com also based on social media rankings.
Well, well Mr. Famous, you must have done something right. You have certainly put a lot of time and effort into your online project(s). Congrats, David, you earned it.
I got same email Dave, you and Steve Williams beat my blog.... :)
Nice! Congrats and bask in the afterglow...
Congratulations on being recognized by Feedspot as one of the top 100 motorcycle blogs. It's nice to have someone acknowledge the effort and commitment to sharing thoughts and experiences on a blog.
Sonja I don't for a moment believe I'm famous. If it were so, I would figure out a way to profit from it :)
Thanks for the kind words, they are always appreciated. The challenge of making these videos is becoming a little less daunting, but I still have a lot to learn. Controlling audio levels remains a little bit of a mystery.
Congratulations to you too Dom!
As for ranking, top 100 is amazing when you think of the ocean of content on the internet. You and I are like the sea water on the edge of the crest of a wave, riding on an ocean of blogs. Quite the achievement I think.
Steve beat us both, which is where he belongs. He is way too humble to think that though.
Thanks Deb! Your kind words are deeply appreciated.
Steve as the Brits are fond of saying, I was gobsmacked!
Well, as the saying goes "that and fifty cents won't buy you a cup of coffee".
Keep up the stellar work, and I'll keep reading!
David looks like you've got your second career all set! Watch out Hollywood here he comes.
Congratulations David. nice place of honor for all the effort you put into putting out a quality blog.
Thanks Jim!
To be honest, I wouldn't mind Hollywood (CA, not FLA) :)
Thanks Mike, that's very kind and much appreciated.
It's good to set that all your hard work in putting the blog together over the years has paid off with a little recognition. Good work.
Thanks Steven!
It's really out of the blue, and truly a surprise.
Thanks for the kind words, they are very much appreciated.
Congratulations, David!! So very thrilled for you. Well deserved! And I can say I knew you before you became famous :) Sincerely, Mad Throttle ;)
Congratulations. I don't get time to stop by too often, but I've appreciated your work and the recognition is well-deserved.
There's probably been a bit of a spring in your step all week.
Thanks Liz, that means a lot.
Dave to be honest I am very wary of everything that hits my inbox. There is so much bizarre stuff out there.
In this case it seems to be real.
It does feel good, I have to confess.
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