Every now and then, especially for new readers, you want to see how the blog began. It's not that hard to read a blog in reverse, that is to say, in the same order as a book. But it's not convenient.
You have to keep clicking on the "older posts" link, or mess with the blog archive list, and eventually keep having to fiddle with it again, and then you still have to keep clicking around, and, well, it's really not convenient.
If you want to have a look at this blog in chronological order (initially it was the first two years' worth but every now and then I add the previous years' posts), here is the post list in book order (it's there, after the narrative, trust me, click here to get to the list and skip the narrative). In a bid to make this even easier, I've coded the links to open in a new browser window. You'll therefore find the links opening a new window. When you're done with a post, just close the window and you'll go back to the window with the list of links. If you've had enough and want to go back to the "proper" blog order, click on the "home" link.
You will notice that in the early days of the blog no one knew it existed, and for that reason there are no comments on the posts. If you feel like posting a comment, don't be shy, go ahead. I'll even respond when I get a chance.
Fast forward to January 7, 2013
It seems that, based on the page view statistics to date, this page does fill a need for some.
Not surprisingly, the page with the most page views is the Gear Posts page. Of the six blog pages I have added, this one ranks four out of six in terms of popularity. It has therefore earned the addition of the 2012 posts in chronological or book order, which you'll find have been added below.
Fast forward to January 6, 2014
Another year flies by and it's time to update this page with the 2013 posts in chronological order. It's a chore, but a chore worth doing. The major highlights of 2013 were the purchase of a new bigger Vespa, a 2010 Vespa GTS 300 i.e. Super, the sale of my Vespa LX 150, and the launch of the 2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour.
Fast forward to March 15, 2015
2014 was a very difficult year punctuated with the passing of Bob Leong and great sorrow. Out of that grief, an incredible living tribute was born: the amazing travels of ScooterBob. Read about the odyssey by clicking here. It was also the year when the ScootCommute jumped the pond and Roland, Sonja and I spent a glorious day riding in Tuscany.
Fast forward to December 29, 2015
For once, I'm really on top of things, and I've managed to add the 2015 journal posts in chronological order, and the year is not even finished. There might even be an additional post or two. 2015 was a year of sea changes. An early retirement happened in July that wasn't planned or even evident when the year began; I learned to ride a Harley Davidson and a Triumph Bonneville in Florida with Michael as my guide; a big Honda cruiser that is co-owned by Sonja and I was added to the stable; I met Jim Mandle and Stephanie Yue and we toured the Adirondacks; Sonja, Roland and Ed came to visit; Susan and I traveled to Jasper Park Lodge, Vancouver and Maui; our eldest son Jonathan was married; our second-born son Andrew became engaged to be married; I tackled the major facelift and redesign for this journal; the passing of my father. There is every reason to believe that 2016 will be almost as tumultuous.
Fast forward to March 6, 2017
I was kind of thinking that I was really, really remiss for not bringing this chronology up to date, but looking back, I see that I have been this slow in the past. This year my excuse is that vlogging has been taking up a lot of my time. Given enough time though, I can be relied on to deliver.
2016 was a year of unbelievable change. Moving to a new city in a new province with all that entails is no small achievement. From where I sit now, in a new house, with almost all the necessary renovations done, I am amazed at what Susan and I have accomplished in so little time. In the course of that year, our son Andrew was married, our daughter Lauren was engaged, I got to do a number of club rides with the Toronto Moto Scooter Club and discovered even more of Ontario in the company of my friend Ed.
So far, while 2017 is still in its infancy, the big news is the addition of the video blog. Click here for a separate chronology and links to the vlog.
Finally, I ran through the html coding on this page and really cleaned the crap out of it. If there's one thing I hate it's cluttered code. To get the information from the blog into this chronological format, I need to copy the blog archive on the right side of the page, paste it into Excel and perform some magic to get the list into chronological order, then paste the fixed list into Word in order to lose the table formatting, then paste the Word formatted list into Blogger, then copy the disgusting pile of unnecessary html junk (a ton of style sheet nonsense) that Word gleefully added, then paste the html code into my code editor (Atom), then use the fantastic search and replace feature to strip out all the crud including a bunch of table encoding left over from a past year's effort.
It was a lot of work, but... it's worth it.
Thanks to Atom, for this go-round I also went back in time and fixed all 564 html hypertext links to make sure that they all open in a fresh tab in your browser, and then I added in line breaks to make the whole thing easier on the eyes. Much better.
Fast forward to May 2, 2020
I just invested a few hours updating the chronological order to bring it up to date, and I tweaked it by adding some dashed-lines to make the years easier to find, and I also added the year to each month. Those changes should make following the chronology a little easier.
As I mentioned in the previous update notes, this should be quick and easy, but it's not really for the faint of heart. It really helps to be able to read HTML because otherwise, I can't imagine how I'd be able to do this. Hopefully someone out there in the World Wide Web appreciates the effort.
My shift to vlogging means fewer posts, and that makes this chore a little lighter.
What would really help is if Microsoft made it a lot easier to copy and paste back and forth from HTML to Excel and Word. Each time you paste from a Microsoft tool into an HTML environment you get a TON of entirely useless HTML code dumped into your projet. Sheesh.
So what has changed since 2017?
For one thing the massive changes that Susan and I threw ourselves into have stabilized into the new normal. Our new home is now truly home, and it really works for us, on every level. We couldn't ask for a better place to live.
We now are blessed with two, yes two, grandchildren. We have Kaia in Vancouver, and Leiana here in Toronto. What a joy!
I wrote and passed the Ontario Bar exams in 2018, and I now have the privilege of practicing law in two of the largest provinces in Canada. My modest semi-retirement practice sometimes keeps me a tad busier than would be ideal, but the unquestionable upside is that Susan and I are very secure and Susan has that extra bit of financial freedom that allows us to indulge her travel bug without concerns for affordability. In fact, Susan is so confident, she is thinking that we could spend a year or so exploring Europe from a pied-à-terre in Tuscany or Provence. The good news for us is that my practice is basically virtual and untethered, so I can practice law here, but from anywhere.
As I write this, our tiny planet is in the grip of an unprecedented pandemic. While we can afford to travel, we are locked down in our (thankfully cushy) home. As soon as the pandemic loosens its grip, I think we'll hop on a flight to Vancouver. After that, all bets are off. I suspect that we are soon going to start planning that year in Europe. It won't be simple. Finding a place to rent in Europe, finding a tenant for our home here, figuring out a car for a year in Europe, visas, what to take with us, what to do with the stuff we leave behind... exciting but also a little daunting.
Fast forward to July 17, 2023
Another update to this chronological list of posts. I have to say, it is not easy. So manual in fact, that by the time I was done, I was pretty fed up with the tediousness of it.
Fast forward to July 17, 2023
Another update to this chronological list of posts. I have to say, it is not easy. So manual in fact, that by the time I was done, I was pretty fed up with the tediousness of it.
So it's been a tad more than three years since I have done this housekeeping. Not so bad really, it makes me feel a little sheepish for complaining. I am actually glad that I can figure out how to do it. Every time I do it, I don't remember how I did it the last time, so I start from scratch. In editing this page once I was done with the list of posts, I went over the narrative. I should have started there. The past me left some semi-helpful notes. Here's what I need without the old me's help. It involved copying from the blog chronology, pasting into Excel, redoing the sequencing, copying again, pasting into the Word, shaking off the table formatting, copying again, pasting into Atom to shake off the Word formatting, copying again, pasting into the Blogger editor but in the HTML view to avoid a ridiculous excess and unnecessary HTML code dump, switching back to the editor view, and then tediously copying and pasting in all the hypertext links, one post at a time, then cross-checking to make sure I didn't get anything wrong. Phew. With a little help from the past me, I could have rescued the hypertext links in Atom. Oh well, live and learn.
OK, that's really enough complaining.
So what's new?
Well the 'year-in-Europe' thing seems off the table for now. When the concept of an extended stay comes up, it now sounds like 'months-in-Europe, maybe a little more feasible, but still not being actively planned. In the meantime we had a mostly great trip to France last fall (minus Susan's bicycle-in-a-cave and fractured clavicle mishap), and this coming fall we are off to Spain's Costa del Sol (we loved it in 2018, so here we go again!), and to Lisbon (a first). We are now blessed to have all our kids in Toronto with us (Jonathan+Vicky, Andrew+Anuschka, Lauren+Harris), and now blessed as well with four wonderful grandchildren, all girls, all super cute (Kaia, Leianna, Nevéa, and Sloane). My Vespa and motorbike riding days are now behind me... but... my life on two wheels is still alive and thriving, though now it's rolling along on a Brompton folding bike. I have ridden with it on the west coast along the ocean, on the east coast along the ocean, and in Montreal. What a joy. So far, as I write this, I have logged well over 2,700 kilometres of daily on morning exercise rides, not counting the previously-mentioned adventures out-of-town. Tomorrow morning's ride will take me into the 2,800's. Oh, and last August I bought a 2012 Mini Cooper S Cabriolet, manual shift. What a blast to drive. My Brompton happily rides in the back seat courtesy of some padding to protect the upholstery and a ROK strap to make sure it doesn't jump ship. With the convertible top down it's easy to plop the Brompton in, and to pluck it out.
I discovered a few years back that I am more or less working full time again. The challenge for me now is figuring out when to "re-retire". I don't have an answer yet.
All things considered, Susan and I are living charmed lives.
Please enjoy the journal!
Please enjoy the journal!
If you wish to go to end of the post list, to go to the most recent post, click here.
▼ 2010 (55)
▼ March 2010 (3)
Commuting strategy: picking a route
Selecting a scooter
▼ April 2010 (10)
Finding a scooter to buy
Scooter modifications
The first commute
A troublesome failure
A final modification
Urban renewal
Why I ride
Scootless commutes
Late April snow
Stewart Hall
▼ May 2010 (7)
Breakfast break
Mercier bridge
Speed: distance over time
Summer heat at last!!
Other fair weather sports
▼ June 2010 (6)
Tough week
Twists and turns
Fuel for the soul
Father and son ride
Forest & Stream
First group ride
▼ July 2010 (8)
Ile Bizard
Dorval Island
Science and scenery
Scoot Commute Boogie
Morning bagels
Old Lachine Canal
▼ August 2010 (11)
Croissants & café au lait
Morning Glory
More... food!
Weather for ducks
Mercier bridge
Pleasant surprises
What to read if you ride
▼ September 2010 (3)
Scooter Cannonball
▼ October 2010 (2)
Wrap up in sight
October commutes
▼ November 2010 (5)
Ode to Steve Williams
58 Lessons learned in year one of the scoot commute
More lessons learned...
... still more lessons...
It's a wrap!
▼ 2011 (80)
▼ January 2011 (2)
Winter modifications, Chapter 1
Getting ready for the 2011 riding season
▼ February 2011 (2)
Winter modifications, Chapter 2
To stick, or not to stick, that's the question
▼ March 2011 (8)
It's almost time
First ride of the season
Launch - 7
Caged commutes & scoots
Happy First-Post Day!
First commute of 2011
Auxiliary Modulating Brake Light
▼ April 2011 (5)
WOT to the Bridge
Project report: Installing an AdmoreLighting.com auxiliary brake light and turn indicator on a Vespa LX150
Life in the slow lane
Lofty thoughts
Finally Free in DC
▼ May 2011 (8)
Spring and the promise of summer
Dealing with the weather
The wonders of scenery
Team breakfast
What you see...
More about bridges
Too good not to share
▼ June 2011 (7)
Market Lunch
Visiting Vampires
Gawkers' Paradise + Need for Speed
Thoughts on my windshield
Toronto Rocks!!!
Monday June 20 is Ride to Work Day!
Scratch that :(
▼ July 2011 (11)
Business and pleasure
Lachine Village
This bridge won't burn!
Crazy ... hazy days of summer
Night Ride
One of these things does not belong
Planes, trains and automobiles
The things you see
Saturday joyride
The evolution of parking
▼ August 2011 (10)
The benefit of experience
August bliss
Another bridge(s)
Sunrise on Lake St-Louis
First long distance ride
The Jacques Bizard bridge
Secrets of Île Perrot
Secure your helmet
Irene's wake
The ride home
▼ September 2011 (5)
Memories of Expo 67
Ray Bans©
Crossing the canal
Pointe Claire Yacht Club
Milestone looming!
▼ October 2011 (13)
Commuting in the fall
Morning in Pointe Claire
The Westmount Lookout
A peak behind the curtain
I couldn't resist
The Senneville Time Warp
Drawing to a close...
Faster, and Fastest!
A thread in the fabric of time
Hit the road Jack!
▼ November 2011 (6)
You know it's cold when...
Too many questions; not nearly enough answers
Nibbles for the kaffee klatsch
T'is the season to be modding...
To sleep, perchance to dream
Making friends with Alessandro Volta, James Watt, and André-Marie Ampère
▼ December 2011 (7)
Preliminary semi-scientific conclusions
How and Why I got into Motorbikes
An ounce of prevention
Holiday spirit
I took the plunge!
Happy New Year!!
▼ January 2012 (6)
Hot choice
Winter blues? Take a hike! Buy a Vespa!
Net {silenced}
Here at last!
Hiatus: for readers only
Who cares?
▼ February 2012 (6)
Major set back (Aarrrrgh!!!)
Rick Snyder's Cannonball Run
More... of the things you see
Light at the end of the tunnel?
▼ March 2012 (11)
Yay! The end is near...
Project report: Installing Hot Grips® heated grips and a Heat-Troller® electronic heat control
A challenge?
And... we're off!!
The ride home
Day three
How to tell when it's unseasonably hot
That's more like it
It's all about the gear
Another milestone, belated
Got to make more room...
▼ April 2012 (11)
Art or science?
Home: Going and coming
Windy ride!
So, sew
Montreal landmarks
Rick's Ride A:H
On a wing and a prayer
GoPro: Take II
▼ May 2012 (14)
Expressway leg
Visiting L.A. has its perks!
iTravel, iBlog, iLike!
California dreaming
Wheelers and Dealers
Wocket in your Pocket Challenge
Hot Grips Update
Welcome to the wet coast, welcome to paradise!
Mug shot
Intro to paradise
Bob's favorite haunts
Friday night madness
Vancouver Bloggers Rock & Roll!
▼ June 2012 (6)
Superman had his phonebooth...
Another year, more happiness
Return to normal
Your ride challenge
The evolution of Muvbox
Views from the saddle
▼ July 2012 (10)
Improvements on all fronts
This is how it all begins...
Scooters at the Petersen
Here at last :)
One more reason to visit Montreal this summer
Darlene's Foot Gear Challenge
A glimpse of heaven
More piece of mind
Steve Canyon
▼ August 2012 (13)
Fraternal twins
Grey is beautiful too!
Weather watch
The Pointe Claire windmill
What is it, really?
Lunchtime trifecta
Parking in Toronto
Pump it up!
Parking in Vancouver
The end of the road
Fun on four wheels
Taking care of business
▼ September 2012 (5)
Windshield - Take three
Too late for Martha... too early for Martha
Alternatives: not all black and white
It only takes a few minutes
Too @#%^# busy to post...
▼ October 2012 (7)
Fall colors
Million Mile Monday
Another milestone looms
End of season ritual
Help ! I'm trapped in David's Spam Cellar
I made it.
Hurricane Hiatus
▼ November 2012 (6)
And now for a change of pace
Cold weather is here
Black arts
A reader asks about bridges
A package from far, far away...
Friends, and long distance
▼ December 2012 (1)
One more time...
▼ January 2013 (7)
Preparing for adventure
Tying one on...
A reader asks about scooters and potholes
Making good
Saturday night in Canada...
Comfort, out of the blue!
Guilty pleasure
▼ February 2013 (7)
Satellites and Vespas, iPhones and Nuvis, Senas and Me
Soon time to say "Hello... goodbye"
Slow and steady
The birth and evolution of an icon
Halfway there
▼ March 2013 (3)
Call me crazy!
The ultimate word on tie-downs
▼ April 2013 (11)
A new day, a new season, a new ride
Hmmm... a collection?
I don't name my rides
First commute
ScootCommute's Believe it, or Not!
Geezers and gaskets
Can commuting be blissful?
Weekend find
Project report: nstalling ScooterWest LED running lights and turn indicators on a 2010 Vespa GTS 300 i.e. Super
▼ May 2013 (11)
A good use for the Vespa GTS side stand
Project report: Installing dual 12 volt power outlets
Mission... possible!
Mother's Day on the Amalfi coast
Automotive news: Italian vehicle proximity sensor
What to do in Rome?
Italian icons
I picked up another Vespa GTS 300 ie, in Rome
Project report: Installing an Admore Lighting auxiliary brake and turn indicator unit
Farkle, meaning
Project report: Installing a Stebel Nautilus Compact air horn
▼ June 2013 (8)
High octane question?
Birthplace of the Scootcommute
Distance challenges
Recreational vehicle
Kickin' it nu skool
Reporting for duty, Sir!
Inflection: explore, explorer; discover, discovers.
▼ July 2013 (18)
Play Misty for me
Guilty, or not guilty
Coming down to the wire
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Kickoff and day one
Rider profile: Peter Sanderson
Dawn in State College, Pennsylvania
Rider profile: Dave Blackburn
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Toronto to State College PA
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Fun and Games in State College
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - R&R
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Gettin' outta Dodge
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Coasting
Rider profile: Ed Kilner
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - The last day for me
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - The long ride home
Settling back into a normal routine
Rider profile: Paul Ruby
Rider profile: Steve Williams
▼ August 2013 (8)
Rain delay
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Montreal leg, part one
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Montreal leg, part two
Rider Profile: Mike Torrusio
So long!
Rider profile: Tom Keene
Foggy morning
▼ September 2013 (10)
Rider profile: Sonja Mager
Project report: Installing a top case rack
Rider profile: Roland Mager
2013 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Epilogue and lessons learned
Rider profile: Dave Dixon
What do you think?
Tips on refueling a Vespa GTS
Alternative secure helmet storage
Late September Sunday Magic
▼ October 2013 (12)
Rider profile: Bob Lush
Kindness and generosity
Rider profile: Danielle Vallée
There's a Maniac Laughing at me
Lunch with Bob
Westward, the wet coast beckons
Breakfast with Bob
Fishy goings on
Rider profile: David Masse
Late October commute
▼ November 2013 (4)
Think big, not small
The thrill is gone...
Let the shopping begin
▼ December 2013(2)
One Hundred
The outlook for 2014
▼ January 2014 (7)
Pairings for wishes, not fishes
Earned my wings
First step in a long project
Transitions, without a net
Hear, hear!
New Lid!!
Crazy plans
▼ February 2014 (6)
Project report: Installing Heaterz brand heated grips on a Vespa GTS 300 i.e. Super
Project report: Discrete electric garage door remote
Stuck in neutral...
Gone fishin'
Vespas, Cryptography, Bitcoins, Patches, and Me
▼ March 2014 (10)
Dar, there's no end in sight
Dar, I found it!
Project report: Installing a Sena SMH10 Bluetooth helmet headset in a Nolan N104 helmet
Life's pleasures
Underground art
Walk a mile in my shoes...
Another weekend, another dump :(
I can't resist...
Unique patch collection up for grabs
▼ April 2014 (9)
Spring road assessment
Calling cards
Out of the barn: a trifecta of creature comforts
First commute of 2014
What a difference six months makes
Hanging with the devil
Spam anyone?
2014 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Tuscan Loop
A winning bid!
▼ May 2014 (7)
Tuscan Loop - What to pack
Tuscan Loop - What to wear?
Tuscan Loop - Guess who came to dinner?
Tuscan Loop - Venetian Prelude
Tuscan Loop - Gearing up
Tuscan Loop - Volterra
Tuscan Loop - San Gimignano
▼ June 2014 (11)
Tuscan Loop - The Return
Tuscan Loop - Museo Piaggio
Tuscan Loop - Farewell
Motor Madness Month
Tuscan Loop - Epilogue and lessons learned
Black and blue
Meet Stephanie Yue
Triple Crown revisited
Service with a smile, and a shine!
▼ July 2014 (11)
"... this used to be fields..."
21st century life
A sunbird's summer travels with humans
A fairly typical week
Rider profile: Michael Beattie
Ride to the land of fire
Two speeds, many modes
The Vespa Effect
Making an impression
Tokens of appreciation
Raising the roof, again
▼ August 2014 (9)
On a roll
Still on a roll!
Rider profile: Howard Yegendorf
Good for the grass... and Civics
A lesson in MV
Foul weather work-around
The kill switch
The sound of music
▼ September 2014 (10)
I sprang a leak. So did Andrew.
Change of pace
Rider profile: Bill Breen
Banff: from the ridiculous to the sublime
Bob Leong
A loving tribute to a great man, Bob Leong
Full of surprises
Nature's veil
ScooterBob hits the road, Jack!
Repairs - Part one
▼ October 2014 (6)
Repairs - Part two
Endlessly useful
What's in the glove box?
▼ November 2014 (5)
Amateur Mechanic Discovers a New Trick & Pay Back Time
A season's end
Cold weather commute
Tales of the end, and Vespanomics
▼ December 2014 (3)
Among the joys of ModernVespa
Taking a break; making some plans
My very best wishes for the holidays!
▼ January 2015 (4)
Unbounded generosity
Motorcycle House
Product review: Viking Cycle Stealth textile riding jacket
Winter doldrums: Key West!!
▼ February 2015 (2)
How size matters to me, or the Slippery Slope
Comfort zones
▼ March 2015 (5)
An interesting alternative for inter-continental travel
Cruise wear - Product review: Motorcycle House Angel Fire motorcycle jacket
Black Betty's homecoming
▼ April 2015 (7)
Dilettante to professional in 50 easy steps
Stuck in neutral
Spring sprang
The sun's won...
First commute of the 2015 season
Almost honkin' there
Few and far between
▼ May 2015 (5)
What happened to spring?
Station W
Hof Kelsten
Black Betty gets to work
Fuente Baena
▼ June 2015 (5)
Time to breathe
Jim's Adirondacks
A last commute
Rocket and me
▼ July 2015 (4)
Rider profile: Jim Mandle
Project report: Installing Viking Lammelar saddlebags
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Ms. Quezzie, I presume
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Departure
▼ August 2015 (6)
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Adirondack Museum to Horseshoe Lake
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Steve, Tom, Craig and Ron
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - the Kilner Interlude
Rider profile - Stephanie Yue
I knocked; the universe answered
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - The Magers are here
▼ September 2015 (5)
The ScootCommute on CITY TV
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour: Safe travels
Project report - Installing heated grips on a Honda Shadow VT750 ACE
Toying with Templates; Flirting with Failure
2015 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Epilogue, and lessons learned
▼ October 2015 (1)
Runnin' errands
▼ November 2015 (3)
Been fiddlin'
Life and death at the crossroads
▼ December 2015 (8)
Comfort food: Heirloom spaghetti and meatballs
Winter ride
On a December roll
Lunch with Peter and Mike
Rider profile: Mike Fritz
The laws of nature vs the nature of laws
Music and images
With the help of the Empire, I strike back
Greetings for Christmas 2015, and New Years 2016
▼ January 2016 (7)
Vespa Club of Canada
Bright, bright lights on a waning winter's day
I'm sewing again
Big Move to the Big Smoke (and mirrors)
Hum a happy tune, move like a hillbilly
We interrupt our regular programming...
Operation Empty Nest - Vignettes from behind the lines
▼ February 2016 (9)
ToadMama's Brave, Bold Blogger Challenge (now with BBBC # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)
ToadMama's Brave, Bold Blogger Challenge (BBBC #7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 , 13, 14, and 15)
Operation Empty Nest - The Great 2016 Real Estate War
2016 Blogger to Blogger Tour - Meeting legends
2016 Blogger to Blogger Tour - But just not now
A Friday to forget
ToadMama's Brave, Bold Blogger Challenge (BBBC # 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28)
ToadMama's Brave, Bold Blogger Challenge (BBBC # 29)
▼ March 2016 (11)
Delibee - a hidden treasure
The beginning begins
The end is near
Weak bladder
Light, space, pixels, paper, steel :art:
Project report: Installing Hot Grips™ heated grips on a Vespa GTS 300 i.e. Super
Bell Canada
Roast prime rib
Sonja's Big Move
I am a wrencher!
Au revoir mes amis! Helllloooo!
▼ April 2016 (4)
Smoke Meat Pete
Cardboard hell, or "where's the kettle?"
A magnus fumus usque ad udo litore
Settling in
▼ May 2016 (6)
Birds of a feather
Mission: Exfil Thunderbird
Finding Thunderbird
Nosy neighbour
A long, long ride home
I visit a wizard, and go for a second group ride
▼ June 2016 (6)
Weird, peculiar, puzzling stuff rattling around my brain
Rider profile: Ed Thomas
Smoque N' Bones
It's a small world, after all
▼ July 2016 (3)
The Quest
Scribbled1 - Alternative PokéGame
Elmhirst's resort
▼ August 2016 (5)
Scribbled - Corner office
Garbled - No longer!
The 2016 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
Parking, starting over from scratch
Surfing a wave
▼ September 2016 (6)
Bluetooth adventures with Ed and David
ART and a hot Vespa
ART waking up the city!
A cure for the hots!
Rockin' the DGR!
An eyewitness account of Toronto's 2016 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
▼ October 2016 (6)
Aliens among us!
Scribbled - Vespas hauling stuff
Free lunch, of a sort...
Rider profile: Steve Liard
A place to call...
▼ November 2016 (6)
Scary story
Canadians are a rare breed
Requiem for an epoch
Fall riff
Life after snow?
▼ December 2016 (2)
Scribbled - Voting in a Democracy
31 days...
▼ January 2017 (2)
So what the hell am I up to?
Leap of faith
▼ February 2017 (4)
I hit the road, Jack
Rider profile: Ken Wilson
Rider profile: Bill Leuthold
Hangin' with legends
▼ March 2017 (4)
Coasting for oysters: Lostboater's Oyster Tour
Unexpected recognition: Top 100!
The people you meet
▼ April 2017 (4)
Is it possible?
Ken Wilson and the Oyster Tour wrap up
Rider profile: Dar Duncan
Catching up with Dar Duncan
▼ May 2017 (2)
eXpReSsIoN - Part one
▼ June 2017 (4)
ExPrEsSiOn - Conclusion
Hmmmmm.... butter tarts!
Godmorgon to you, and Odensvik!
Father's Day and Vespas
▼ July 2017 (3)
Canada: 150 years young!
Stutter, stall and a Texas strut
Vimy Ridge, so close to home
▼ August 2017 (1)
The bike that quacks me up!
▼ September 2017 (4)
Conchscooter prevails with panache!!!
Parts are fun!
The 2017 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
▼ October 2017 (5)
Requiem for a Vespa
1K klicks in the Sticks
Riding a Zombie
A conversation with Steve Williams
I broke my 40 year-old Ray Bans!!!
▼ November 2017 (3)
Vespa, TREE-ed!!!
The Great Post-it Tab Hack
Ephemera circa 2017
▼ January 2018 (1)
New Year, HUGE challenge
▼ February 2018 (2)
Taking stock: truth, mayhem, and death
My brain strain...
▼ April 2018 (3)
Tom and the Terribly Tempting Terrific Tesla Model 3
Ken's at it again! So's Bill!
Terror incident
▼ July 2018 (5)
Thunderbird takes a wing
Wrapties are here!
Playing with fire!
A heartfelt apology
2018 Isle de Wolfe Scooter Rally
▼ August 2018 (1)
You always pay a price
▼ September 2018 (3)
Going out on another limb
Catching Ms. Yue
The unicorn fridge, Ikea, and a Vespa
▼ October 2018 (1)
Travel, and Travel with Parosites
▼ November 2018 (1)
Democracy needs you
▼ February 2019 (1)
A new beginning
▼ March 2019 (1)
A fairytale come true
▼ May 2019 (1)
A new season, a new ride
▼ July 2019 (1)
Go brand yourself!!
▼ December 2019 (2)
What's my excuse...
Still thinking...
▼ February 2020 (1)
GoPro Clusterffffffail!!!
▼ March 2020 (2)
Vlogging: iPod or GoPro, OR BOTH?? Welcome to my studio
Donald Trump and the Coronavirus
▼ April 2020 (1)
The Amazing Ms. Yue
▼ September 2020 (1)
2019 and 2020 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
▼ October 2020 (5)
Time to transform, again
... and now the reveal!
Everything's coming up Brompton!
Running errands in the rain
Some thoughts...
▼ November 2020 (2)
My awesome new sit-stand desk
The 2020 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, that wasn't
▼ December 2020 (3)
A different kind of Christmas celebration
Taking stock as a new year looms
Art therapy for the 2020 blues
▼ 2021 (7)
▼ January 2021 (2)
No caller ID... a tiny act of kindness
The story of life on two wheels
▼ February 2021 (2)
What's with branding and logos?
Guess what?
▼ March 2021 (1)
Bromptons in the house!!!
▼ April 2021 (1)
Brompton phone mounts
▼ June 2021 (1)
You need a Brompton rack... and the reasons may surprise you
▼ 2022 (7)
▼ September 2022 (1)
Another intersection
▼ November 2022 (3)
Building habits
Time to hibernate
Cold hands? No more!
▼ December 2022 (3)
On the brink, the cusp, the verge...
The P2 Loop
Another year ends
▼ 2023 (33)
▼ February 2023 (4)
Raising kids
Bicycle Man
February 2023
Pedal strikes
▼ March 2023 (4)
"Good morning"
What's a million?
▼ April 2023 (1)
Flaming Roseway
▼ May 2023 (8)
The end of an era
Go with the flow
Flat Friday
Mother's Day
2 B's and a F
Little bit of a morning stretch
▼ June 2023 (3)
Trashcan solutions
Cool tools!
Sling shots
▼ July 2023 (1)
On a failed path to discovery
▼ August 2023 (5)
Reasons to ride
I did it!
Flat Monday
Too old to ride?
▼ September 2022 (1)
Another intersection
▼ November 2022 (3)
Building habits
Time to hibernate
Cold hands? No more!
▼ December 2022 (3)
On the brink, the cusp, the verge...
The P2 Loop
Another year ends
▼ 2023 (33)
▼ February 2023 (4)
Raising kids
Bicycle Man
February 2023
Pedal strikes
▼ March 2023 (4)
"Good morning"
What's a million?
▼ April 2023 (1)
Flaming Roseway
▼ May 2023 (8)
The end of an era
Go with the flow
Flat Friday
Mother's Day
2 B's and a F
Little bit of a morning stretch
▼ June 2023 (3)
Trashcan solutions
Cool tools!
Sling shots
▼ July 2023 (1)
On a failed path to discovery
▼ August 2023 (5)
Reasons to ride
I did it!
Flat Monday
Too old to ride?
▼ September 2023 (3)
My new Brooks saddle
A break
To blog, or not to blog
▼ October 2023 (1)
▼ November 2023 (2)
▼ December 2023 (1)
Happy Holidays!!
▼ 2024 (6)
▼ March 2024 (1)
A marvellous gift from Peter
▼ June 2024 (1)
Test driving the Metmo Pocket Driver, for real!
▼ July 2024 (1)
▼ August 2024(1)
Aida, a muse
▼ September 2024 (2)
Brompton DIY hub cleaners
A milestone
My new Brooks saddle
A break
To blog, or not to blog
▼ October 2023 (1)
▼ November 2023 (2)
▼ December 2023 (1)
Happy Holidays!!
▼ 2024 (6)
▼ March 2024 (1)
A marvellous gift from Peter
▼ June 2024 (1)
Test driving the Metmo Pocket Driver, for real!
▼ July 2024 (1)
▼ August 2024(1)
Aida, a muse
▼ September 2024 (2)
Brompton DIY hub cleaners
A milestone
To go to the top of the post list, click here.