Monday, September 30, 2013

Late September Sunday Magic

It's late September, and unaccountably, we got blessed, truly blessed, with a summer weekend.

It was just too beautiful for words.


SonjaM said...

David, those fall colours captured in a Vespa ride are a real treat. You know that you have a good life, eh? I wish I could come over and enjoy the fall foliage. Maybe next year...

Dar said...

Beautiful!!!! Ah sigh! I love fall and the amazing colours, the brilliantly sunny days are a bonus!

Trobairitz said...

Enjoy those sunny days while you can. Another month or so and you'll have snow and freezing temps.

Unknown said...


I'm getting De'ja vu. First the water is on the right and it seems a bit familiar, and on the other video it was like we were escorting Karen back to the Highway to make sure she left town

and then I noticed that you were following that trailer which did not stop at the stop sign, but you did.

I know you are getting great late summer weather, not like our monsoons out here. so go ahead and rub it in why don't you ?

Riding the Wet Coast

len@RE-GLAZE-IT said...

Hi David ,

Enjoyed the video uploads .....
Priceless vespa fun!


David Masse said...

Sonja, Susan and I will be pleased to have you and Roland stay with us, if the opportunity comes our way.

David Masse said...

Dar, the fall colours have barely begun. We'll have a riot of bright colours all too soon.

David Masse said...

Sadly, Trobairitz, that is only too true. Thankfully winter brings its share of treats and wonders.

David Masse said...

You've a got a sharp eye. Yes indeed, that's the route.

If I had known that you wanted to make sure Karen left town, we could have stuck around near the bridge to make sure she didn't double back.

I feel for you on the weather side, Bob. Also, remember that the wet coast is holding one of my sons hostage, so we feel the pain on the left coast almost as much as you do.

David Masse said...

Len, Vespa fun is priceless! Nicely put.

The copyright in all text and photographs, except as noted, belongs to David Masse.